Terpesona diulit Taman Pesona: Perihal Ketokohan Cik Siti Wan Kembang
Oleh FAZRINA JASMIN “Daku cuma mahu melukis kembali inspirasi dahulu supaya ia terus hidup untuk merangsang kecemerlangan masa kini dan masa depan kita. Di mana …
Oleh FAZRINA JASMIN “Daku cuma mahu melukis kembali inspirasi dahulu supaya ia terus hidup untuk merangsang kecemerlangan masa kini dan masa depan kita. Di mana …
Oleh MIMI SALLEH Hampir dua tahun pandemik COVID-19 melanda dunia, masyarakat sudah semakin selesa menjalani kehidupan norma baharu. Pameran seni visual secara maya juga lebih …
By WAI LU YIN A dystopia is an imagined society in which there is great suffering caused by current trends, societal norms and the implementation …
By NATASHA P. Daring enough to exit the confines of propriety, artist Dhani Illiani Yusof, in her Jakarta art show Arus Binti: Kobis Merah takes …
By FARAH DIANPUTRI There’s something inherently rebellious about woodblock prints. It’s meeting the resistance of carving out an image into existence from unrelenting material. Scratching …
By ELLEN LEE In Gentle Reminders, Izat Arif appropriates the style of typical road signs to present pithy advice for younger artists of the obstructions …
By NATASHA P. Artist Lith Ng Yee Leng encapsulates the gritty, ‘dirty’ aspects of owning a vagina – the bleeding, the pain, the excretion of …
Hummingbirds, rusty saws, bottlecaps, floating chess boards, and the beauty in reclaimed things at the Zhongshan Building.
By LILY JAMALUDIN Tucked away inside the repurposed warehouse of KongsiKL hangs Chang Yoong Chia’s Meat on the Chopping Block. It’s an eerie sight: painted …
By HAMIDAH ABD RAHMAN I found myself giggling at a certain photograph that was framed within the walls of the photography exhibition. It was a …