Growing a community of poets
By SHAMEERA NAIR LIN In March 2021, a fellow writer, Kwan Ann Tan, and I were weighing the ways in which our experiences as writers …
By SHAMEERA NAIR LIN In March 2021, a fellow writer, Kwan Ann Tan, and I were weighing the ways in which our experiences as writers …
Oleh DANNY ADAM Menggunakan teknik parodi, satira dan faksyen untuk mengangkat watak dalam penulisan ceritanya, itulah keunikan dan perbezaan kisah daripada epik, hikayat, purana, kavya, …
Oleh WAN NOR ALIA WAN ALI POHON CINTA Pohon cinta mekar bunganya basah di telapak tangan wangi nian antara aidilfitri dan aidiladha pohon cinta berbuah …
Oleh DANNY ADAM Pernahkah anda melihat siri animasi pertama di Malaysia iaitu Usop Sontorian pada tahun 1990-an? Pastinya penangan karakter animasi dan lukisan yang dipaparkan …
By SHAMEERA NAIR LIN On July 4, 2020, I walked into a WHSmith in London Heathrow Airport. There, I paced up and down the book …
By LENNARD GUI With the creative and performing arts facing its toughest challenge in decades because of the pandemic, Malaysian practitioners are dealing with a …
By LENNARD GUI Despite the pandemic that has shut theatre spaces across the world, arts practitioners have not given up hope that the end is …
By FARAH DIANPUTRI When was the last time you had an unpleasant encounter with a perennial cockroach living in your kitchen? What does a lac …