14 Okt
Bual bicara berkaitan ekonomi kreatif menerusi perspektif tempatan dan serantau
Conversations exploring the creative economy from local and regional perspectives

Open Arts Classes <

29 Okt - 21 Nov
Peroleh kemahiran kreatif daripada tenaga mahir terbaik di Malaysia
Master hands-on creative skills from Malaysia's best

Panggung Rakyat <

Oktober - Disember
Hargai seni serta warisan budaya yang unik di Malaysia
Appreciate Malaysia’s unique arts and cultural heritage

The Light Project <

November - Mac
Saksikan bagaimana seni dan persembahan awam menerangi bandar-bandar terpilih di serata negara
Lighting up spaces with public art and performances in selected cities nationwide


25 Nov - 28 Nov
Ikuti festival 4 hari di pusat bandar untuk bersama raikan Kuala Lumpur
Join the 4-day festival downtown celebrating Kuala Lumpur city


Mengenalkan pilihan produk kraf Malaysia yang memberi inspirasi
Shaping an inspiring selection of Malaysian craft products

Symposium for National Cultural Congress 1971 <

Pasca 50 Tahun: Renungan dan Pengamatan
50 Years On: Reflection and Reimagining

Sensorium of Inversion/ Immersion (SENSORii) <

1 Dis - 28 Dis
Nikmati pameran media seni suara, muzik dan unjuran video yang pastinya memukau setiap deria di REXKL
Immerse your senses in this media art exhibition featuring sound, music and video projection at REXKL


TripArt merupakan usaha sama awam dan swasta yang dilaksanakan untuk meraih perkongsian serta menggalakkan penyertaan khalayak ramai demi menyumbang ke arah kelestarian seni dan budaya, seiring dengan Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari atau Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Alami sisi seni yang istimewa Bersama CENDANA, CIMB Group dan Yayasan Hasanah.

TripART is a public-private collaboration that aims to stimulate partnerships and encourage public participation as a way to contribute towards the sustainability of arts and culture, all in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Trip over to the artsy side of life with CENDANA, CIMB Group and Yayasan Hasanah.
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BASKL is Bandar Aktiviti Seni Kuala Lumpur, a space created by the Cultural Economy Development Agency, or CENDANA, to help nurture the city's arts and culture ecosystem, and encourage locals and visitors alike to learn more about and savour the melting pot of art, music, craft and performing arts that pervades this beautiful city and beyond.



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