Hanya Batik shines at Twilight by RXP.KL
Hanya Batik shines at Twilight by RXP.KL
A Decade of Celebrating Malaysia’s Indie Talent
A Decade of Celebrating Malaysia’s Indie Talent
A Whimsical Malaysian Musical for All Ages
A Whimsical Malaysian Musical for All Ages
Exists dan Masdo bergabung merentasi genre dan masa, gegarkan pentas WTC KL Ahad ini
Exists dan Masdo bergabung merentasi genre dan masa, gegarkan pentas WTC KL Ahad ini
BASKL’s first Artscursion explores arts and culture in Kota Kinabalu!
BASKL’s first Artscursion explores arts and culture in Kota Kinabalu!
Dato Zainal Abidin, Ujang Exists, Steve Thornton, Arthur Kam dan Lola terlibat dalam ‘Festival of Drums and Percussion Malaysia’ 2024
Dato Zainal Abidin, Ujang Exists, Steve Thornton, Arthur Kam dan Lola terlibat dalam ‘Festival of Drums and Percussion Malaysia’ 2024
YAPH dan Teman-teman Concert: Fusion of Traditional Hiphop Rhythms
YAPH dan Teman-teman Concert: Fusion of Traditional Hiphop Rhythms
APOM’s #Empatbelas2024 exhibition imagines Malaysian states as movie posters
APOM’s #Empatbelas2024 exhibition imagines Malaysian states as movie posters
Relive child-like wonder as you watch ‘Forget Me Not’ at PJPAC
Relive child-like wonder as you watch ‘Forget Me Not’ at PJPAC
Pementasan ‘Kerana Percayakan Siti’ perihal kekuatan wanita, bagai sirih pulang ke gagang
Pementasan ‘Kerana Percayakan Siti’ perihal kekuatan wanita, bagai sirih pulang ke gagang
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Program Adiguru CENDANA telah dimulakan bagi menunjang perkembangan dan memastikan kesinambungan kesenian persembahan tradisional Malaysia, di samping melahirkan kesedaran dan berkongsi pengetahuan melalui kerja-kerja pendokumentasian. Ikuti kisah Adiguru ini bersama kami.


BASKL is Bandar Aktiviti Seni Kuala Lumpur, a space created by the Cultural Economy Development Agency, or CENDANA, to help nurture the city's arts and culture ecosystem, and encourage locals and visitors alike to learn more about and savour the melting pot of art, music, craft and performing arts that pervades this beautiful city and beyond.

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