Join and KLik!

You’ve got thousands of photos in your camera already, and continue to have a passion for snapping photos every time you see something interesting … well then, KLik may be just the thing for you.

KLik is BASKL’s monthly phone photography contest open to all Malaysians. 

Each month, we’ll give you a theme and then it’s up to you to show your creativity and flair, by taking a unique picture with your mobile phone camera and then uploading it onto Instagram. Tag CENDANAMalaysia and add the appropriate hashtags. It’s as simple as that!

To kickstart the contest, our first theme is “Lagu Dalam Gambar”. In conjunction with our website launch on World Music Day, we’re all about music this month! You will have to take a picture that reminds the wider public of or depicts a Malaysian song that inspires you.

Whether it’s Siti Nurhaliza’s Warna Warna Malaysiaku, Pretty Rain by Butterfingers, Yuna’s Crush or Gary Chaw’s Superman or Madai Thiranthu by Yogi B and Natchatra, we want to see how you visualise the song…  The photo above, by Tyler Mullins on Unsplash, for example could easily be an entry for Zainal Abidin’s classic hit Hijau.

To qualify for the contest, photos must be uploaded to your own Instagram account (set to public) with the title of the song (and translation in English/BM); tag @CENDANAMalaysia; and include these hashtags: #LaguDalamGambar #KLikBASKL #CendanaMalaysia in your post.  

Points will be awarded by a panel of BASKL judges (60%) and netizen’s likes on Instagram (40%). 

You can upload as many photos as you like, but if you’re selected, you can only win one prize for the duration of the Contest. 

We’ve got cash prizes to give away each month: First prize RM500; Second prize RM350; Third prize RM250 and seven consolation prizes of RM100 each.

The Klik contest begins on June 29, 2021. So you can start going through your playlists and planning what photo to take! We’ve got a few tips here from some professional photographers.  

Kim Boon Lim says that most importantly, you must always ensure your camera lens is clean, and free from any stains or fingerprints! “Try not to use digital zoom on your cameras. Instead, go closer to your subject if you need to, but not too close either!”

Simple things to remember are to hold your camera phone steadily, and not to hurry when you take your shot, to eliminate or reduce motion blur.

“Compose your image properly and creatively, exclude unnecessary items, subjects or empty spaces in the photo, just include what is important. Keep the image clean, not cluttered,” he says, adding that you should also spend some time reading all the terms and conditions properly and ensure you really understand what the judges or organisers are looking for.

Annice Lyn advises that you read up on “The Rule of Thirds”. “One of the fundamental rules of effectively composing a photograph is the rule of thirds,” she says. “The rule of thirds involves placing your subject off to the side instead of directly in the centre of the photo.”

All the best, and we look forward to seeing all your wonderful photos!




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