A ‘Barbie’ movie review based on some Frequently Asked Questions
By NABILA AZLAN As someone who grew up with the franchise; owned a couple of Barbie dolls, begged my parents for one play set after …
By NABILA AZLAN As someone who grew up with the franchise; owned a couple of Barbie dolls, begged my parents for one play set after …
Menghidupkan semula tradisi, adat atau kepercayaan yang pernah wujud dalam sejarah peradaban manusia ke skrin layar mungkin tidak semudah yang digambarkan. Namun dengan pengetahuan dan …
By CHIN JIAN WEI The inimitable Harrison Ford returns to the big screen one more time to play one of his most famous characters, the …
By SHAH SHAMSHIRI 23 years into the new millennium, animated movies and cartoons are no longer child’s play. These visual offerings have also become staples …
Oleh AZUWAN AHMAD Polis Evo yang terbaharu ini adalah sambungan ketiga dalam siri penerbitan Astro Shaw setelah filem yang pertama menemui peminat pada tahun 2015. …
By SHAFIQUE DANIAL JOHARI “Be good or the boogeyman will come and haunt you!” A phrase that many parents often tell their children when they …
By SHAH SHAMSHIRI Superheroes continue to rule the silver screen as more and more characters from the comic world are brought to life for visual …