Noted With Thanks by Kuah Jenhan
The global lockdown happened four years ago. Can you believe it? Doesn’t it feel like it happened just two months ago? Well, it was a crazy time and crazy times call for crazy decisions. Some of us found love(s), lost love(s), lost ourselves, and adopted a cat(s).
Malaysian comedy star Kuah Jenhan, on the other hand, got his first job-job at the age of 34. Office life is tough when you've been a stand-up comedian for 15 years and now your idea of a ‘workshop' is no longer a group of stage performers making weird mouth sounds and big physical stretches, it is nodding at a speaker while you ‘brainstorm’ in your plastic chair- but it turns out, Jenhan’s pretty great at that too!
But does it mean he ceases to be a comedian?
Noted With Thanks is about how not to give up on your dreams by giving up on them. lt's the fish-out-of-water, printer-out-of-paper story that will have you laughing in a completely SFW kind of way.
Venue: PJPAC
Date: 26 to 27 July 2024
Time: 8.30 pm