Is Jebat a traitor… or a hero?
Set in a post-apocalyptic Malaysia where constant war and strife abound, the story follows the life and tragic death of JEBAT. It unfolds the plight of Hang Tuah’s loyalty to his king as opposed to Jebat’s desire for freedom, love and respect. The tragedy culminates in a heart-breaking scene where the two protagonists reluctantly fight to the death.
While there are many stories on Hang Tuah, this is likely the first English language stage production in recent history focusing on JEBAT. Typically, the historic Tuah-Jebat duel zooms in on the idea of betrayal but this new work explores a different point of view.
The Actors Studio’s biggest production for 2023 and certainly its highlight of the year boasts almost 40 performers on stage performing to specially composed live music with a mix of silat and mixed martial arts battle scenes, amazing sets and costumes, multimedia design and more.
Don’t miss this eye-opening retelling of a classic tale.
Presented by The Actors Studio Seni Teater Rakyat with the support of ArtsFAS (Arts For All Season), an annual arts & culture programme by Yayasan Hasanah in collaboration with Ministry of Finance, Malaysia, as well as klpac and TAS Foundation.