A Slice of Bali with pragina : EMOSI
With many still wary of international travel, why not enjoy a slice of Bali right here in
Kuala Lumpur with pragina : EMOSI. Presented by The Actors Studio Seni Teater
Rakyat, this performance featuring both Balinese and contemporary dance will be
staged from Nov 4 until 7 at Pentas 2, klpac.
Dances Zhafir Muzani and Emi join forces as choreographers to bring you pragina : EMOSI (pragina means dancer) where they will be performing five works together with a contemporary dancer, Ealbie and renowned musician, MK Ridzuan.
The production is supported by The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (klpac) and
MyCreative Ventures. There is a Deepavali promotion for the Nov 4 performance
where tickets are at a reduced price of RM30. Tickets for the remaining shows are
priced at RM38. Purchase online via https://cloudtix.co/ or call 03 4047 9000. Strictly no phone and over the counter sales.